Gain deeper insights on consumer behavior and how your content is performing.
Detailed Reviews Report
View and download the full text review associated with the star ratings on any given product(s).
Customer Q&A Report
Access questions that customers are asking about your products to provide stronger customer engagement, and see if those questions have responses.
First Mover Report
View price changes across multiple retailer websites at a high level, with the ability to pinpoint which sites are dropping prices first.
Allow suppliers to understand KPIs such as out of stock, pricing, and buy box across multiple zip codes or geographies on top of the one zip code default view.
Variant Audit Report
Validate that variants for a product do appear on a retailer’s product detail page, and check that prices for those variants are correct or are within acceptable price ranges.
Competitor Report
Monitor how competitor products on the same websites compare to your own products across price, ratings, promotions, and search ranking.
MAP Report
Highlight which products have MAP violations across a specific set of recipients to audit their negotiated pricing compliance on their websites.
Authorized Reseller Report
Discern which sellers are selling your products on marketplace websites in order to identify unauthorized Sellers to take action against.
Promotions Report
Gain insight into promotions applied to products including things like type of promotion, the depth, and overall duration of the promotion.
Extract data from CXH into a supplier’s system(s) via an API.