Few product lines bring as much joy as the toy sector. And with good reason! Toys are colorful, come in many shapes and sizes, include fun materials, and keep kids entertained. So why should a toys product detail page (PDP) be anything less than that?
Parents should not only be able to view a toy online and feel excited themselves, they should be able to show that page to their child and get the same reaction. While product content may seem like a chore to some manufacturers, it definitely shouldn’t for toy brands.
Especially when they have rich content capabilities at their fingertips, why would a toy brand owner ever need to leave their PDPs dull? Simply put: they wouldn’t.
See what to expect with a detailed product tour
Play up your product content
You might be selling board games, dolls, or art kits—whatever they may be, your toy items can stand out from the competition. All you have to do is think about hands-off points of interaction for those online shoppers (which are most shoppers today). We’ve found that toy brands experience, on average, a 45% total increase in conversions when shoppers engage with rich content on a PDP. These are results you just can’t afford to miss out on.
Parents essentially need to be served product content that narrows down their options with clear visuals of in-use application, key features, and what actually comes in the package.
Moreover, this content needs to address the evolving trends in the toy industry, as well as the latest priorities for encouraging kids’ development skills. Sharing the history of your toy brand resonates with shoppers, too, as parents might get nostalgic for toys they enjoyed as a child and wish to pass that experience along to their kids. These are the selling points that take toy PDPs to the next level and convince consumers why your product is the best!

Enhance fun and games with Enhanced Content
Syndigo’s platform is your ultimate platform to syndicate elevated product content to major retailers. With our Enhanced Content solution, toy suppliers can use Engaging Hero and In-Line Content to create an immersive, playful online shopping experience.
See just how the product will go to use (and key developmental benefits!)

Just submit your brand assets once to Syndigo and we’ll empower you to syndicate them across retailer-optimized layouts with clear data accuracy (and best-in-class content) throughout your network.
Highlight your strengths and differentiators

Consumers engage with comparison tables
Show how to assemble with ease

Connect with your shopping community

We’ve been in the business of helping companies manage, validate, optimize, syndicate, and elevate their product content for two decades. Serving Enhanced Content to amplify the shopping experience is a key part of that equation. With a recipient network of over 1,000 sites and partnering with over 2,500 brands across 6 million+ PDPs, we deliver more than 4 billion shopper impressions a year, you can trust us to support your brand launch, provide guidance, and measure success along the way.