

Join the Gordon Foodservice Expanded Product Offering Webinar

 Gordon Foodservice

Operators have embraced Gordon Foodservice’s Expanded Product Offering program which is seamlessly integrated into both our broadline e-commerce platform and its unique Gordon Now app with smart-speaker ordering capabilities.

Help us build our Expanded Product Offering and sell more of your products.

  • More Operators are buying online and looking for convenience with a wide range of products and service options on a single unified e-commerce platform
  • Product images and data are critical so customers have all the information they need to make informed buying decisions.
  • This means easy access to hard-to-find products, as well as national and in-house brands and high volume commodities, all in a single order.

Please make sure to that you attend to learn more about how to increase your product sales.

Join us for a webinar where we detail the benefits of having all your product data available online for our customers and sales teams to access.

In this webinar we will discuss:

  • Overview of the Expanded Product Offering Program
  • GFS’s item data strategy using GDSN
  • Supplier partner expectations
  • Next steps
product data

Fill out the form below to access the webinar.