Control and improve your product detail pages at Carrefour to deliver the ultimate experience for customers. Tell your brand story and grow sales with captivating content and accurate product data.
Enhanced Content and rich media
Immerse buyers in your product experience with engaging Enhanced Content. Use 360° videos, comparison tables, lifestyle images and interactive experiences. Support shoppers’ purchasing decisions with content that highlights your products’ unique features and builds brand trust.
Conversion rates increase an average of 39% on product pages
with enhanced content!
Create an immersive online product experience for your consumers, seamlessly integrated into Carrefour’s digital platforms. Include video demos, lifestyle images, comparison charts, product manuals, user-generated content and other interactive product content.
Online modules provide total immersion in your product experience. Fully showcase your brand with comparison tables, product guides, video content and a variety of lifestyle images. Deliver deep dives into key product content, reduce return rates and improve brand trust.
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Improve the user experience on Carrefour with Syndigo. Syndigo is the global leader in content management and validated product data, including nutritional and GDSN data, through a network of more than 1,750 retailers, distributors and other business partners.