
Syndigo vs. Salsify

Learn why 4 out of 5 users prefer Syndigo over Salsify

Syndigo vs Salsify

For most every manufacturer, retailer, or distributor, Syndigo is the preferred choice for managing product information. We go beyond basic “experience management” platforms to provide true PIM, multi-domain MDM, and syndication to the largest network of recipients globally. Syndigo is the more comprehensive, scalable, and integrated platform for your data management, outperforming Salsify on nearly every measure. That’s why, in head-to-head proposals, Syndigo is the winning choice.

Customers Choose Syndigo over Salsify Because

Reach & Network

Syndigo has an extensive network of more than 1,750 recipients worldwide and growing—from large retailers and e-tailers including Amazon, Target, Walmart, Albertsons, Instacart, Costco, Lowe’s, Best Buy, Carrefour, Google, Kroger, to regional and category-specialized retail. We work with each of our recipient partners to ensure we deliver data the way that they need it, providing in-app data quality guidance and vendor onboarding solutions to ensure accurate and timely syndication.

The Salsify platform provides only one-way distribution to approximately 30 recipients. Beyond that, their content distribution is done without consideration for the recipient’s requirements which can lead to errors and painful resubmission cycles.

Depth & Scale

Syndigo provides a breadth of services that is unmatched in the industry: Content creation, Core content syndication, GDSN submissions, Enhanced Content, Analytics, PIM, MDM, and Wellness data, all delivered in real-time in a comprehensive suite of integrated solutions.

Syndigo’s solutions have been purpose-built so that clients have a two-way pathway of data exchange, to align client data—as My Data, My Way, while enabling syndication to recipient taxonomies—as My Data, Your Way, without losing data integrity or quality within the client’s data structure.

Salsify does not offer the same breadth of solutions and cannot scale their solutions to meet the complex needs of large enterprises in PIM and MDM. They lack expertise and operational ability to deliver content creation services, MDM capabilities, and Wellness data and they are unable to offer a two-way synchronization with retail platforms. The consequence of Salsify’s one-way framework is that dynamic content requirements quickly become stale without manual oversight and intervention.

Additionally, Salsify’s GDSN, Enhanced Content, Reporting and Analytics capabilities are limited; while we offer an unmatched suite of reports and insights including conversion and add to cart data provided directly from our retailer partners to validate the ROI of our solutions and highlight opportunities.


Syndigo employs localized and dedicated support staff with 14 offices globally ensuring timely responses for our worldwide customer base. Our commitment to supporting our customers is highlighted in Syndigo’s customer satisfaction rating on G2 for Client Support, where Syndigo scores higher than Salsify in 4 out of 5 dimensions, as rated by customers.

Market Approach

Syndigo has chosen to invest in our partnerships with suppliers and retailers; our history of over five decades supporting suppliers and retailers has taught us that working collaboratively with both parties ensures smooth onboarding and a high quality output – which is why some retailers choose to work exclusively with Syndigo as we can ensure data leaving our ecosystem meets the standards for data to enter theirs. Changes to recipient data requirements are automatically updated in Syndigo’s two-way synchronized platform in near real-time while our proprietary Data Quality engine ensures that inputted values meet each retailers nuanced requirements.

Salsify has connected with a select few retailers for a one-way data transfer rather than commit to a two-way integration. As a result, Salsify’s customers bear the burden of validating if content has made to the retailer, hoping it does, and running resubmission cycles if it doesn’t. This services-heavy solution inhibits a supplier’s ability to scale and create meaningful efficiencies that separate them operationally and strategically from the rest of the marketplace.

Meeting Client Requirements

At Syndigo we believe that each organization should have the right to create, govern, and maintain data in their own context – My Data, My Way. This means that brands and retailers have the same right, but rather than imposing a manual process, we’ve automated the transformation so you can focus on curating and optimizing data in each retailer context – My Data, Your Way. This enables seamless, timely, and reliable syndication for true end to end product experience management.

It is a known shortcoming that Salsify does not have a way to easily maintain recipient requirements, which is why brands need to maintain their own data hierarchy rather than align to the recipients’ hierarchy and requirements.

Hear from our Clients

One of my biggest challenges as a marketer is just being able to cut through the noise and making sure that my brand is always top of mind.
Steve Ruff
Digital Marketing Manager, Dermalogica
With Syndigo, I spend less time trying to get the same information to all of the online entities we do business with,” said Bailey. “I can change one thing in Syndigo… and within 3 minutes, I’m done publishing upwards of thousands of items, to all of our different vendors. As a result, I have more time to make the content the best we can for all involved.
Michael Bailey
Digital Content Supervisor, Prime-Line Products
Selecting Syndigo with its future proof PIM, eliminated the risk of a disruptive and costly upgrade later.
Alex Ives
Head of Business & Enterprise Architecture, Boden


Our goal was to reinvent the way we meet shopper needs by creating an engaging, personal and assistive digital experience. We wanted to simplify the purchase decision process and help consumers find the right product. The Product Selector tool from [Syndigo] was a way for us to accomplish this goal.
Bama Group
Since implementing Syndigo, we have eliminated data inconsistencies by leveraging rules and artificial intelligence. In addition, while hours spent by our teams on data manipulation tasks have been reduced by 60%, BAMA can introduce new products to the market 70% faster than before. We are extremely satisfied, and we are looking to see what else we can achieve with Syndigo’s flexible, yet robust and future-proof solution.
Trond Aske
CIO, BAMA Gruppen AS
Things like hotspots, things like product tours, new carousels, below the fold experiences, videos…it just makes the whole experience of buying something online that much more reassuring, and you feel confident you’re getting the product you want.
Courtney Cheevers
Digital Content Specialist, Weber