Kantar recently released the 2019 edition of their PoweRanking report, and in it they highlight the “Retail Climate Change” taking place within the consumer goods industry. In the 20+ years of publishing their rankings, Kantar shows the important aspects of being a top trading partner.
In their survey, both retailers and manufacturers were asked to evaluate each other on 10 different criteria across strategic and business fundamentals. What is one prevailing theme throughout? The ability of content to drive success among their peers and partners.
The top ranked leaders:
- Pepsico
- Coca-Cola
- Procter & Gamble
- Kellogg’s
- Nestle
- Walmart
- Kroger
- Target
- Amazon
- Costco

Source: Kantar PoweRanking 2019: Retail Climate Change
It should come as no surprise that each of these top manufacturers and retailers partners with Syndigo to manage at least a portion of their product content.
In this year’s report, Kantar highlighted four “Retail Climate Change” factors exhibited by leading retailers and manufacturers. These were Location (how “Channel-less Environments” help drive Growth); Elevation (Heightened expectations around shoppers and shopper experiences; Atmosphere (Thriving in a “Post-Omnicommerce” environment); and Human Impact (The need for leadership).
Interestingly, each of these factors is directly influenced by having an integrated approach to product content. Here are a few examples:
To thrive in a “Channel-less Environment”, Kantar highlighted responses that included how specific retailer partners understood shopper connection points and where value can be created, as well as leadership in omnichannel thinking and enhancing the shopper experience. The takeaway? The next wave of shopping is here with an “Ecosystem reality of online/mobile → Click-and-Collect → In store.”
An end-to-end solution, from GDSN supply chain, to in-store shelf and merchandising, to online enhanced content is a trend we’re seeing with leading clients Learn more about Syndigo Platform.
Regarding “Heightened Expectations” around shoppers and experiences, some manufacturers were called out as thought leaders for focusing strategies around families and nutrition, which was highlighting as an “outstanding” achievement. The takeaway here is how technology is invested in “driving shopper understanding, not just consumer.”
As shoppers increase their attention to attributes related to wellness and nutrition, it can be a competitive advantage to highlight these characteristics. Learn more about Wellness.
In a “Post-Omnicommerce” environment, manufacturers in the Kantar report were praised for being collaborative and helping with shopper trip opportunities. Retailers were noted for embracing shopper insight, every day. The takeaway: Shopper conversion involves both risk management and basket management, rather than category management.
Since shoppers may mix online and offline purchasing, it is critical to ensure product images and information match, from shelf to screen. Content Health analytics and reporting can provide a real-time look into how information is displayed, across retailers.
The fourth Kantar factor, “Human Impact”, was related both to the high-performing individuals who work to make a difference, as well as the organizational focus on using trends and insights to bring together a shopper experience that connects. Here’s the final takeaway: The most impactful skill separating partner leaders from others is their storytelling ability…and retailers estimated only about 25% manufacturer partners do it well.
An easy way to tell your brand story is through content that goes beyond the label – such as interactive images, video, instructions/recipes, and other topics. Syndigo’s Enhanced Content enables your best storytelling, above and below the fold on the page.