New parents have plenty of responsibilities to juggle that can leave them feeling overwhelmed. So when it comes to searching for the right baby products, something to ease the anxiety is more than welcomed!
After all, shopping online for baby items can be overwhelming in and of itself due to the many options out there.
Product Comparison

A solution to ensure these parents can find what they need, quickly and confidently, is essential for any baby brand. That’s where Enhanced Content from Syndigo’s platform comes into play.
Peace of Mind

Getting there with Enhanced Content
By using Engaging Hero and In-Line Content, brands can create a truly immersive online product experience for consumers who are seeking safety and style in their baby products! From demonstration videos and lifestyle images to comparison charts and interactive media, brands all across the globe are using Enhanced Content to simplify the process of baby item shopping.

As a brand, all you need to do is submit your brand assets to Syndigo once in order to syndicate them to the recipients of your choice. Our retailer-optimized layouts and effectively maintained data accuracy ensure a seamless, successful journey from item set-up to engaging PDPs. On average, we’ve seen a 47% lift in baby products’ add-to-cart rates through the use of Enhanced Content.
In-Use Product Details
The details matter
While imagery is important, it alone doesn’t guarantee baby item quality, durability, or comfort. Parents need to see product content that replicates an in-store shopping experience and provides realistic expectations of how the items will fit into their baby’s life. Ultimately, the ability to clearly offer this key information empowers the brand to support better buying decisions and peace of mind for their consumers.
Think about the various life stages parents need to consider for their babies, and how each life stage correlates to another product (or set of products!). From repeat purchases like diapers to big-ticket items like cribs, shoppers need to be able to examine the safety and the effectiveness of these products intensely. Whether your consumer is a first-time mom or a parent of triplets, your baby brand needs to communicate all these crucial details so they can confidently make key purchases for their children.
Development Stages
Device Connectivity

We’ve been in the business of serving Enhanced Content to amplify the shopping experience for two decades. With a recipient network of over 1,000 sites and partnering with over 2,500 brands across 6 million+ PDPs, we deliver more than 4 billion shopper impressions a year, you can trust us to support your brand launch and provide guidance on which templates to use and how to measure success along the way.